WSM Gaskets - Airflow and Dirty Smoke

Does adding gaskets at the dome and side door reduce airflow enough to make dirty smoke an issue?

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Sep 30, 2021
Does Adding Gaskets to Weber Smoky Mountain Restrict Airflow?
by: Joseph

Thanks for your question.

Installing gaskets on a smoker is a helpful solution if you're losing a lot of smoke.

The cause of dirty smoke is a smoldering fire.

You can have a smoldering fire because of restricted airflow and green wood.

You won't have an issue with restricted airflow if you don't block the opening where you put the gaskets; make sure the gaskets are flush with the opening, so you don't block the airflow. A little overlap should not be a problem.

Before buying your gaskets, measure to ensure you get the correct width and thickness; you can always cut them, but it's a lot easier if you don't have to.

And before you install the gaskets, clean the mounting surfaces of your Weber Smoky Mountain of all dirt and grease; this ensures the gaskets adhere well. If done right, they'll be there for years.

I hope this helps.

If you have any more questions, drop me a line.

Have fun and happy cooking!

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