Meat Reaches Temp But Too Tough

by Ob1


Today I slow cooked a bit of belly pork and a small joint of beef.

I cooked at about 120°C and got them up to the correct internal temperature BUT both were still tough when we ate them.

I couldn’t leave them on the grill cos the internal temp was rising too high.

What can I do?

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May 02, 2022
Tough brisk
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue cooked my brisket up to 96c took about 4 hours (using meater) but it was still tough. Do I need to hold it at cooked temp for longer?

Sep 08, 2020
Correct Temperature for Tender Meat
by: Joseph

Hello Ob1,

Love your name!

What was the internal temperature of the meat when it was done?

If you cook meat with a lot of connective tissue, you want to cook it to an internal temperature of 203°F or 95°C.

Magic happens when you cook tough pieces of meat to an internal temperature above 200°F or 93°C.

The magic number to aim for is 203°F or 95°C.

At this temperature, the connective tissues break down and help the meat become tender and juicy.

To make sure you have cooked it at the right temperature, you need a good reliable thermometer.

If you have a trusty thermometer and it says you cooked it at the right temperature, it may need to be calibrated.

Hope this helps Ob1.

If you have any more questions, drop me a line!

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